About Us
The Manitoba Neurofibromatosis Support Group was formed in 2005. The group provides an opportunity for families and individuals affected by NF to share their stories and resources. MBNF received its charitable status in August 2007.
Our Mission
The Manitoba Neurofibromatosis Support Group (MBNF) is committed to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by Neurofibromatosis (NF). MBNF provides support, promotes awareness by educating the public and aids in funding research to improve treatment and ultimately find a cure.
Our Vision
MBNF envisions lives freed of physical and emotional pain caused by Neurofibromatosis.
What do we do?
MBNF provides confidential support and distributes information about NF to members, families, health care professionals, and various organizations. We publish an annual newsletter and hold two Support Group Meetings each year. We host an up-to-date website and a discussion forum on Facebook. We host a variety of fundraising events and get-togethers in support of those living with neurofibromatosis and we continually look for ways to advance the awareness of NF.

Learn more about NF!
Do you or someone you care about suffer from Neurofibromatosis? Click here to learn more!

Get in touch!
If you have questions about the support group, NF in general, or wish to become a member, click here!

Donate today!
We appreciate your contribution! Click here if you wish to make a donation!